Terms and Conditions of Service for Toller Tree Care

The Contractor – the person or business undertaking the works & The Client. The person or business instructing the works, by accepting the quote accepts the following terms and conditions.  Terms and Conditions for services should be read carefully

  • ‘Notice of the Right to Cancel’ – the client has 7 days to cancel the contract (in writing) from acceptance date. A charge of 10% may be sent as an invoice via email if agreed quote is cancelled within 7 days of agreed start date. Costs of any already purchased materials to be covered by client/return fees.

  • All works will be in accordance with the current British Standard 3998 ‘Tree Work Recommendations’ where possible unless specified otherwise. Sizes stated are approximate and, wherever possible, will be to the nearest appropriate pruning point.

  • In the event of a variation to the quotation as a result of: Amendments to works required prior to arriving on site.  Or b. Changes in site / ground conditions since the original visit.  Or c. Additional works requested / needed whilst on site the quotation will be revised accordingly.  Either electronically in advance or in a hand written on the day of work, with agreed changes agreed between the contractor and client.

  • Any work additional to the quoted specification may be charged on a pro-rata basis.

  • Stump-grinding will be to a depth of 20cm below the immediately adjacent ground level.  This will include the removal of the stump and buttress roots but will not include lateral roots unless otherwise specified. The client will advise the contractor of any underground services in the vicinity of the stump prior to starting the job. Stump grinding arising’s to remain on site, back filled into hole.

  • All arisings (inc. twigs / branches / woodchips / logs / trunks / foliage etc) when being removed from site will become the property of the contractor unless specifically stated otherwise in the quotation.

  • We will only remove green waste and no other rubbish or material unless otherwise stated.

  • On completion of the works, an invoice will be raised and payment is needed within 30 days.  OR payment is needed in full on completion of the quoted works. Failure to make payment within the 30 day period will result in statutory interested rates being applied and may be passed on to a debt collection company adding all administration fees. Unsatisfactory completed jobs MUST be immediately notified, in writing to the contractor and within a maximum period of 5 days.

  • Following written/verbal instructions from the client, the contractor will check with the Local Planning Authority (LPA):

  • a. Whether the tree(s) are the subject of a Tree Preservation Order.

  • b. Whether the tree(s) are located within a Conservation Area.

  • The contractor will also consider whether a Felling Licence is required from the Forestry Commission.

  • The contractor has £5 million Public Liability Insurance and a copy of the certificate is available on request. The contractor will operate in accordance with good industry practice.  Contractor will undertake verbal or written Site Specific Risk Assessments.  (The outcomes of which may place constraints on the site whilst works are in progress, i.e. the client can’t access their shed without prior agreement from ground staff.)

  • Where works are proposed to third party trees, i.e. ‘neighbours trees’, the contractor will need written confirmation from the tree owner.   (‘The neighbours’) that the works are agreed and where necessary, that access is allowed. Terms and Conditions for services should be noted.

  • The site will be left generally ‘clean, tidy and safe’.  But because of the very nature of the works including the production of wood dust, chainsaw / wood chippings / twigs / leaves and needles etc.  And the crossing of site personnel it will not be as it was prior to start of works.

  • If we are using tracked machines on your property ground protection mats may be used at high use areas but it would be prudent to expect superficial ground damage in parts.

  • If the works spread over multiple days, the site will be left each day appropriately and safe.  As agreed with the client beforehand

  • If we are leaving timber on site this would often be described as “log size”, “manageable sizes” or “large sections”(moved by a machine).

  • Where stated timber cut to “manageable sizes” the timber will be movable with one person(flipping/pushing/rolling) or liftable with two people

  • Where stated timber cut to “log size” this would be log sized rings of the tree rather than split timber ready for firewood. This will often not be stacked but left in a consolidated pile.

  • With us aiming to complete each job/task in the most efficient way we will often chip all material up to 6” rather than separate this for timber.

  • If works are being completed on a day rate basis then loading/unloading of kit at the start and end of the day will be part of our working day. Travel time may also be included in this. Our working day is 8am – 4:30pm, time on site will typically be 8:40am – 3:30pm. With the demanding nature of the work/environment regular breaks will be taken at the discretion of the team.

  • Underground and overhead services: Although every reasonable effort shall be made to locate the presence of underground services, unless a plan showing the exact location of underground pipes, wires or cables has been forwarded to us by the Owner of the land or his agent prior to the formation of the Contract; Toller Tree care shall be under no liability for any damage caused as a result of work performed under the Contract to such pipes, wires or cables, or for any damage to property resulting there from, and the Owner of the land or his agent shall be solely liable for any such damage.

  • All measurements mentioned in any correspondence are approximate.

  • Quotations for felling and stump grinding are based upon the assumption of trees being free from metal, stone or other hidden obstructions. In the event of a tree being impossible to remove in the normal way, Company reserves the right to re-quote accordingly and charge for damage to equipment.

  • The Contract price is based on the site conditions existing at the time of the preparation of the quote remaining unchanged.

  • If dogs use the area of the planned work please be sure to remove all feces before we start work. Failure to do so may result in us cancelling the work at your expense.

  • If we are removing trees this would often be described as to “ground level”. This will be just above the point where the tree is contaminated with soil and not level to the surrounding ground level.

  • Toller Tree Care Ltd does have a presence on social media and images from some projects may be used to promote our work. If you would prefer us not to post media from your work please inform us.

  • If you have contracted TTC to carry out work for you the work may be carried out by a qualified team without the presence of Ian Geddes.

    Environmental statement, method statement and Health and safety policy all available on request. If you require a written risk assessment please notify us prior to work starting.