Cliff de-veg. Birmingham - 2020

Working alongside Vector Rope Access and Tilhill Forestry we assisted with the coppicing of trees and vegetation on the slopes in a now long disused quarry near Birmingham. The trees were removed by IRATA qualified climbers, abseiling down the slopes and felling this off the slopes. The brash was chipped and left on site and the timber was stacked into large habitat piles.

The quarry has been left for nature to take over for 15+ years. The trees were removed to prevent them from getting too large and compromising stability on the steep sandy slopes. These trees will all regrow next year and continue to add valued habitat to the site. It was a huge site for us to be working on for two weeks.

The mini skid steer came into its own on this project, it created access routes for the tracked chipper and team to get to the areas of work. Once the access route was complete, a quick change of attachment and it was set to work pulling and lifting large volumes of material. Combined with the tracked chipper it makes for a versatile setup that gets stuff done!


Beech and Lime Reduction. Dorchester - 2020


Site clearance. Bridport - 2019